Wednesday, November 18, 2015

4 Reasons Why Professional Teeth-Whitening is Better


Tooth-whitening is a seemingly simple procedure that many people believe can easily done at home. While at-home teeth whitening kits are effective for some people, others may find that at-home teeth-whitening products can cause considerable pain without providing the expected results. For the best results, consider these benefits of in office whitening conducted by your dentist.

1.  Your Dentist can Limit Pain and Sensitivity

Many people have sensitive teeth, meaning that even a simple professional cleaning can cause discomfort. As a result, even a non-invasive procedure like teeth whitening can be an uncomfortable experience. Even when teeth aren't particularly sensitive, at home whitening kit can cause pain simply because they are not customized to each user's dentition. If the user's mouth doesn't perfectly fit the mouth trays that are used to apply the lightening solution, the solution can leak from the trays and can cause gum irritation.

Professionally administered whitening treatments completely bypass this problem. When your dentist provides a take-home treatment, the mouth trays are customized to fit your mouth to prevent leakage and guarantee bright results.

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