Thursday, December 24, 2015

Have a Beautiful Smile This Christmas


There's something about Christmas that creates a heart-warming feeling, and with this Yuletide season everybody is getting ready and heat-up with the much awaited festivity. This season is that time of the year for joy and happiness. Maybe this will be the moment to boast and flash your dazzling smile! But on the contrary, this is also a time for grandiose foods and because indeed, it is a grandiose occasion. Festive moments turn thoughts into social gatherings. Party galore, family lunches and wow, the much-awaited posing for photographs as you celebrate with relatives and friends. Hugs and kisses, maybe under the traditional Christmas tree.. Oh, don't forget "underneath the mistletoe tonight".

Nonetheless, if you feel embarrassed about your smile or suffer from bad breath, these events might fill you with an alarming message. And that is, not to indulge yourself with too much sugar and too much alcohol as well. Winding up your oral hygiene routine is the worst you can do during the holidays. With all the chocolates, sugary foods, alcohol and drinks consumed over this season, teeth take much bit of a bang.

Dental care is important and should be taken with much consideration especially this Yuletide season. We need to maintain and keep up with our oral hygiene. Be extra cautious and vigilant. Bear in mind that teeth are under attack for up to one hour after eating and drinking, unless you don't really want your teeth to get the chance to recover.

Don't let a “Grinch” moment ruined your Christmas. Try and make sure your teeth don't experience that wistful effect. After all, it's never too late to get your teeth sparkle and let yourself smile stunningly. Otherwise, make your dental health and your dream dental make-over be on top of your New Year's resolution!

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Dental Stem Cell Research

Dental professionals are very excited because scientists have found out that our teeth contain valuable stem cells that, if properly stored, could potentially hold the cure to a number of diseases, like Parkinson's, diabetes, and cancer, and with the future potential to help in spinal cord injuries, as well.


Stem cell research has been immersed in controversy over the years for many reasons, with the main issues including the following:
  • Embryonic stem cells carry technical and ethical challenges.
  • Bone marrow stem cells are very painful to collect.
  • Cord blood  stem cells can only be harvested at birth.
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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Pedodontist: Your Child's Dental Angel


More parents would like to have a good idea on how they should start taking their children and visit the dentist. There are few instances parents have no regard that baby teeth is crucial so thus, they should rather standby and wait until the child's permanent teeth start erupting in order to make that initial visit. A worth-noting reminder and concern that a visit to a dentist sooner will safeguard and will make sure that their teeth and gums are developing perfectly. However, if you are planning your child's first dental visit, I would suggest that rather than going to a regular dentist, you may either prefer a pediatric dentist instead or a pedodontist whose concern is focused on children's oral health.

The right pediatric dentist will aid in establishing good early habits among children. This means cooperation within the whole family is needed and rightfully concern in keeping a child's everyday oral aspects.

It is one scary experience going to the dentist for kids. And so, it is better to look for a strategically inclined dental professional, one that will make the experience fun and exciting, one that will make every visit an encouraging experience and motivation. Everybody needs friendly dentist that smiles and explains every procedure before they make it happen. Children need to be familiarized with professional dental care. It will help them learn the comfort and will feel at ease making them consider the dental clinic or office as part of their regular routine. A bad experience at certain dental office is one good reason for you not to come back.

It is quite difficult making inquiry to find the better dentist, but it's worth the time. Your children's teeth are of great important to their overall health, so it's better to find the right one while they're young.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

4 Reasons Why Professional Teeth-Whitening is Better


Tooth-whitening is a seemingly simple procedure that many people believe can easily done at home. While at-home teeth whitening kits are effective for some people, others may find that at-home teeth-whitening products can cause considerable pain without providing the expected results. For the best results, consider these benefits of in office whitening conducted by your dentist.

1.  Your Dentist can Limit Pain and Sensitivity

Many people have sensitive teeth, meaning that even a simple professional cleaning can cause discomfort. As a result, even a non-invasive procedure like teeth whitening can be an uncomfortable experience. Even when teeth aren't particularly sensitive, at home whitening kit can cause pain simply because they are not customized to each user's dentition. If the user's mouth doesn't perfectly fit the mouth trays that are used to apply the lightening solution, the solution can leak from the trays and can cause gum irritation.

Professionally administered whitening treatments completely bypass this problem. When your dentist provides a take-home treatment, the mouth trays are customized to fit your mouth to prevent leakage and guarantee bright results.

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Monday, September 14, 2015

When It's Better To have Sweets

Craving for some sweets? You don’t have to worry for it isn't too much to indulge in sugary treats. Your dentist knows about it and this time I'll try to convince you that eating sweets at certain times is better for your teeth than any other foods. I will cite one good example for you like for instance, when you eat a full meal your saliva production increases. In this case, the undergone process aids in rinsing food particles from your mouth. On the other hand, the same also helps in neutralizing acids that cause plaque.

This is such great news for everybody especially for dessert lovers. Sweet desserts can be part of every meal and the good thing is that it even lowers the risk to your teeth simply because your mouth is already at its optimum cleaning or rather cleansing condition.

Most dentists agree and recent study shows that sweets taken after meals are definitely preferable and more beneficial rather than sweets eaten between meals as snacks.

Furthermore, you must bear in mind that this kind of sweet goodies is as essential as when you eat it. A great number of dentists are still standing on their beliefs that even when your saliva is over flowing, sticky candies stay on your teeth for a long time. Nonetheless, keep out yourself from sucking hard candies for long. You are enormously constructing a haven for bacteria that is building-up unsafe weakening acids.

When sweet treats does have a place in your diet, it surely have a place in your heart. And now, here comes the happy tooth for sure! One good advantage of sweet treat is that it gives a quick boost of energy to anyone. There are healthier ways to eat if you want to take care of your precious asset: your sparkling teeth and your dazzling smile! Oh.. I am, too, love treats. And I surely love sweets!

So don’t worry… Be healthy!

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

An Apple For Your Smile


It is common knowledge to everyone that having fiber-enriched foods like apples in our diet is remarkably beneficial. In spite the fact that they are good for our body, they also aid in keeping our teeth well and healthy. Due to their moderately acidic personality, the famous apples indeed help in cleansing and keeping our teeth sparklingwhite. In short, it definitely acts as a mild cleansing agent to your teeth. We should take note that the skin of the apple is mostly essential in the process, so do not peel the same. This fiber enriched covering of the fruit is somewhat helping the acid do the process.

However, there’s a variety of foods acting like little toothbrushes when you chew them. Crunchy foods such as carrots, celery and apples especially are the ones responsible for scrubbing away tough stains over time so better start stocking those in your fridge.

When your mouth doesn't get the chance to clean itself of the sugars due to constant eating such scenario seriously leads to cavities. Constant snacking with no  tooth brushing in between is one of the major cause of dental caries. An apple as an in-between meal snack is a good way to prevent constant eating, thus, the fruit fiber fills you for longer time resulting to less sugar and sweets on your teeth and at the same time less calories consumed. You stay fit and healthy! The most important of all is that you protect your smile and your health, too.

Notwithstanding all the good qualities of all the tooth-friendly foods available especially apples, those or the same are not a mere substitute for your toothbrush! Sugar and acid are still present among those goodies which can surely damage your teeth. Allowing those elements to stay on your teeth will absolutely reverse the advantage it gave the teeth by eating an apple. And so, brushing is still a must after eating. You still have an option by drinking water, that is, if you don't have a toothbrush on hand.

Always have these tooth-friendly goodies. Have an apple and the likes. They are too good to be out of your fridge and table! Just give it a try! A big bite! An apple for your smile!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Good Oral Health and Good Nutrition

Every dental professional knew that the most common dental problems are tooth decay and periodontal disease or gum diseases, however, both complications are among the easiest to prevent. To improve your diet is one of the most common ways to improve your oral health. And because you or rather your mouth, definitely are what you eat, you will absolutely get motivated to increase your concerns on your dental hygiene for sure. Good nutrition or healthy diet can lead to a healthy mouth and body. As a good result, your health will improve.

While diet is not the lone reason for developing periodontal disease, most professionals admit that the said dental health problems may be more severe among people whose dietary habits lack the essential nutrients. Poor nutrition will absolutely lead to a weaker body resistance, thus, making your body prone to all diseases and that includes periodontal disease.


There's no fascination as to your diet's concern especially if the issue is to boost your dental health, but the real argument depends on whether to follow a well-balanced approach in your eating habits. Nevertheless, a lot of starvation diets may help you lose weight but in the long run your body will suffer for it will possibly not provide all the nutrients your body needs. A good meal is a combination of healthy protein sources, fresh fruits, green-leafy vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. For all that, foods with considerable amount of sugar and salt should be taken moderately.

Soda drinks have become so popular that millions of gallons are consumed everyday all over the world. Notwithstanding the good taste and the satisfaction derived by most soda drinkers, sipping a cold soft drink can be very harmful to your teeth. Many of these soda beverages wear out the enamel that protects the teeth, weakens the subject and destroys the same in the long run. Anybody should limit their soda intake if ever he wants to attain a good oral health and a healthy body at all.

Sugar is the controversial, inescapable component of our daily treats. By eating sugar, the developing bacteria in our mouths spontaneously converts it into acid which is bad for the tooth enamel. Do not be surprise when you hastily develop tooth decay or cavities, it can even lead to gum disease like gingivitis if so happened you have consumed a lot of sugar lately. It is vital that your daily sugar intake should be limited, thus, resorting to natural food resources such as fruits and vegetables.

Practicing good nutrition can lead to good oral health. And although it takes a lot of other concerns attaining a healthy mind and body, you can help prevent the possibility of health complications by practicing good oral health.

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Monday, July 20, 2015

Smiles, Camera, Action!


 Did you know that transforming your smile can have an outstanding impact on your life and career?

If the eyes are the window to your soul then the Smile is the window to your personality.”

Ever wondered why some celebrities seem to have that eternal smile and appeal –like all they need to be wearing is their smile. A beautiful smile while being visually attractive, ageless and timeless is what sets you apart. Here’s exploring how a winning smile can change it all for you as an aspiring actor and if it is that X factor you were always looking for!

Actors whose dazzling smiles have become iconic, idealized and synonymous with their star persona. 

Is your smile the only thing standing between you and a great career?

While beauty lies in the eye of the beholder this is undeniable that as the world becomes a global village, the media portrays profound respect for beauty as a fundamental measure of perfection.

People are unwilling to accept anything less than the best. The positivity and dynamism within must reflect without. 

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